Stranger Things Lights

Hey! I did this project where you can send me messages (using the form below) and it shows up on a Stranger Things 📺 style light board I created with an arduino 💻, a Raspberry Pi 🥧, and some LEDs 💡. Type ⌨️ whatever message you want below ⬇️! For best results 📈, keep it short (the board will only display 🔆 the first 30 characters) and just know that it only decodes alphabetic characters 🔡 and spaces (other characters are ignored 🙅‍♀️).

Message 💬 me!


This is what it looks like from my end!

Brief Explanation

The short behind the scenes is that a Raspberry Pi runs Python code to scrape my website for the most recent message and then sends it (via serial communication) to the arduino, which decodes the letters of the messages into specific LEDs and displays them.

Out of Commision

This project was completed in the summer of 2020. Unfortunatley, I no longer have the light board (it has been deconstructed so components could be used in other projects). I can, however, still internally see any messages left for me, so feel free to send something!